Top mount Sinks
A top mount kitchen sink, also known as a drop-in sink, drops in to the counter which creates a lip or rim around the sink. One factor to consider is that grime and debris can get caught on the lip and can make the cleanup more difficult. If you are choosing a laminate benchtop this is the sink for you as you need to hide the sink cut outs raw edge.

Under Mount Sinks
An under mount sink is installed directly under the counter, creating a seamless look from countertop to sink. This type of sink is versatile and works with most kitchen layouts. Not only do these sinks look sleek, but they also make for easy clean up because debris can be pushed straight into the sink without catching on a lip or rim. Note: Cant be used with Laminate benchtops

Flush Mount Sinks
A flush Mount sink is a sink that can be installed with the lip of the sink flush into the benchtop. This achieves a seamless flow between your benchtop and your sink – with no break or bumps in the design. ... The principle advantage is the aesthetic. Note: Cant be used with Laminate benchtops
